Privacy Policy
The following Policy applies to personal information collected by Futuro Childcare & Education (Futuro) explains how we collect, store and use your personal information, how you can access and update your personal information, and how to make a privacy-related complaint. All personal information collected by Futuro is held and used in accordance with this Policy.
Information collected by us
We collect, use and disclose information in the course of undertaking our business. This includes:
- Information required to provide long day care services, including the management of care enquiries and enrolments; and
- Providing you with information about our business, including employment opportunities
We only collect information that is reasonably necessary for us to fulfil our legal responsibilities under applicable laws, or to perform necessary business activities. This includes:
- Personal information about families, emergency contacts and children. This can include information such as contact details, date of birth, Medicare information, employment information, relevant Court Orders etc.
- Developmental information about children, such as routines, dietary preferences/requirements, interests and special needs.
- Personal information about people looking to work for us. This can include current employment details, Working With Children Check information and qualifications.
Some of this information is considered ‘Sensitive Information’ for the purpose of the Australian Privacy Principles.
Information from our website
We collect general information from our website, that does not identify you, but will help us to track traffic across pages on our website.
Refusal to provide information
If you would like further information about information requests from us, please do not hesitate to talk with your Centre Manager or the Futuro Support Office. As noted above, there is some information that we are required to collect by law. If we do not collect this information, we may not be able to provide care for your child/ren.
Information disclosure
We may disclose your personal information to a Regulatory Authority, as required under the applicable laws including the Education and Care Services National Law and child protection legislation.
In the course of providing care for your child/ren, we may display critical health information in relation to your child in our centre/s, for example allergy management plans.
Information storage
We will store your information as required by law. All personal information will be stored safely and securely. Any records relating to children not currently enrolled at the centre will be archived in accordance with the applicable law.
Information access & correction
You can request access to the information we hold about you, provided that this request is permissible by law.
You can request the correction of any information we hold about you. We will also ask that you update your enrolment records at the commencement of each calendar year.
Please contact Futuro’s support office with any such requests.
Futuro’s privacy officer is Megan Black, Futuro Childcare & Education, PO Box 584 Spit Junction NSW 2088. Email:
If you are unhappy with Futuro’s handling of your concerns, you can make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner, GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001. Phone: 1300 363 992.
Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
Futuro is committed to providing a safe environment for children and young people.
We understand our responsibilities and statutory duty of care to comply with the Child Safe Standards and to build our capacity as an organisation to prevent and respond to allegations of child abuse. Our Service is committed to the effective implementation of policies relating to child safety, including the Child Safe Environment Policy and Child Protection Policy, both of which incorporate the National Child Safe Standards.
Our Policies set out a zero tolerance approach to child abuse and emphasize the role we play in raising awareness regarding the importance of child safety. All employees and volunteers of Futuro are mandatory reporters and we take seriously the obligation to make disclosures regarding possible physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse and neglect. Information is shared with other organisations appropriately and lawfully to protect children. We work to ensure there are clear distinctions between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour between adults and children.
We follow the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and believe that all children are unique and have the right to be safe. We teach children how to respond if they feel unsafe, and support them to express their thoughts on matters that directly affect them. We are dedicated to promoting cultural safety for all children and young people and to providing a safe and inclusive environment for children with a disability.
We welcome engagement from the community in relation to our child safe practices and commit to review our Policies & Procedures at least annually, incorporating feedback and making the most of every opportunity to provide care & education of the highest possible standard.